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Clifton Cathedral - A Modern Catholic Cathedral Church

Architecturally speaking, I found Clifton Cathedral to be quite modern for a British cathedral. I wrote a small summary about this cathedral below.

2021年9月、Bristol Open Doors という3日間にわたるイベントが行われていたとき、友人の誘いでClifton Cathedral(クリフトン・カテドラル)のツアーに参加した。クリフトン・カテドラルは、それまで私がイギリスであまり見たことのなかったタイプの、モダンな大聖堂だった。

Clifton Cathedral was designed between 1962 and 1965. The Peter Thomas Partnership (led by the architect Ronald Weeks) completed the design and work started in 1970. The Cathedral was consecrated in 1973.

The entrance hall (the ‘Narthex’) has stained glass windows which are the work of Somerset artist Henry Haigh. They are made from over 8,000 pieces of glass.



You can see a set of the Stations of the Cross on the wall. These were designed and made by William Mitchell. The stations begin with the Last Supper and end with the scene of the resurrection. This selection of events is unusual. Usually, the stations start with the ‘condemnation to death’ or ‘in the garden’ and end with the ‘laying in the tomb’.

壁に並べられているのは、Stations of the Cross(Way of the Cross)(十字架の道行き)といって、聖書の記述を基に、14の場面が収められている。通常、これは「死の宣告」から「墓で横たわるキリスト」までとなるのだが、ここでは「最後の晩餐」から「復活」までが描かれている。典型的なセレクトではないため、特別な許可が必要だったそうだ。




